Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here is how the Jewish Anti-defamation League rams our Church.

Here is how the Jewish Anti-defamation League rams our Church.

Prayer for Conversion of Jews Remains Troubling Despite Vatican Changes

New York, NY, February 5, 2008 …. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said the Vatican's changes to the Latin Good Friday prayer for the conversion of Jews amount to "cosmetic revisions" and the prayer remains "deeply troubling" because it calls for Jews to "acknowledge Jesus Christ as the savior of all men."

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

While we appreciate that some of the deprecatory language has been removed from a new version of the Good Friday prayer for the Conversion of Jews in the 1962 Roman Missal, we are deeply troubled and disappointed that the framework and intention to petition God for Jews to accept Jesus as Lord was kept intact.

Alterations of language without change to the 1962 prayer's conversionary intent amount to cosmetic revisions, while retaining the most troubling aspect for Jews, namely the desire to end the distinctive Jewish way of life. Still named the "Prayer for Conversion of the Jews," it is a major departure from the teachings and actions of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and numerous authoritative Catholic documents, including Nostra Aetate.

ADL wrote to Pope Benedict on January 22 expressing concern that a revised Good Friday prayer that Jews abandon their own religious identity, would be devastating to the deepening relationship and dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

Please see below my reply to them. Their website with the link to the article if anybody wishes to have some correspondence with them is:

This is Cooperator electronic correspondence sent to ADL today:

I have always been sympathetic with the Jewish cause. I am totally against any manifestations about the SHOA never happened and I support totally what Israel is doing

within their borders. Many times I got into arguments with people including one ex-boss about the Nazis and the extermination of the Jewish nation. I used to work for a Jew and you’re pretty much the same as Cubans with respect to the family. In matters of faith although I am circumcised I am not Jewish by faith but I respect your believes.

To the point, I am a practicing catholic and read the news regarding the change in the Good Friday Latin Tridentine Mass Prayer Words for the Jewish. I believe you have some concerns. I think you’re stretching too much. In matters of faith you should not intervene. I believe the Church is being very generous by changing those words to accommodate the Jewish concerns. If you are still not happy with this change I suggest you stop your quest because as Catholics we most have liberty in the way profess and practice our faith. I see that with your demands you are curtailing and intervening in the way we worship and where your freedom begins is the end of ours. Supporting the Jewish and respecting the Jewish is one thing but YOU should do the same with the Catholics. We have triad many times to practice ecumenism with you. Please do not confuse Ecumenism with Interventionism as you are doing with our faith. Let’s work in the differences but with respect. You respect our beliefs the same way we respect yours. John Paul II apologized a long time ago for all the past mistakes of the Church. You know very well that during WWII the Catholic Church, the one you are trying to destroy by molding it to your convenience and image helped a lot of your people. Please be grateful and the same way you do not want people to forget about the SHOA please do not forget about the POPE, the many priests, nuns and lay people who helped your nation during those hard times during WWII. We even respected the faith of those we helped during those hard times. Even then we had many conversions. We have had many Jewish converts and some of them have reached the altars either as martyrs or as confessors.

Just to write a final note to this message. Please let us be Catholics, same as we let you be Jewish.

Thank you,

Sergio Gonzalez

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